Headaches are triggered differently from person to person, and our histories leading to headache pain are varied, but the commonalities we find in the vast majority of cases are;
1) inflammation of trigger points in the Sternocleidomastoid and Suboccipital muscle groups, and
2) restricted range of motion at the Occipitoatlantal junction.
Releasing these trigger points and restoring dynamic range of motion to this critical joint, many clients report dramatic improvements in symptoms, and often times complete or lasting relief from headache pain.
Why Trigger Points Are Important:
Trigger points, or “knots” in our muscle tissue are localized areas of chronic inflammation, which occur in predictable patterns and often refer pain to areas of the body distant to the affected muscle group.
This is important for headache sufferers because trigger points in the Suboccipital and Sternocleidomastoid muscle groups can refer pain in an arc from behind the ear into the temples, and forehead, and occasionally the cheek, jaw and inner ear. Tension in these muscle groups may also exert pressure on cranial bones directly behind the eyes.
The Occipitoatlantal Junction:
The importance of dynamic range of motion at the “OA” junction (where our head rests on our spinal column) can not be overstated. Not only does the brain stem pass directly through this joint, it is also the site of vertebral arteries and nerve plexuses entering and exiting the skull. Compression of soft tissues and lack of range of motion at this joint may compromise blood flow and nerve signals to and from the brain.
Don't wait another moment to see what headache massage can do for you:
I myself suffered for years with debilitating headache, neck and shoulder pain, and had it completely released in one session by a skilled practitioner. A desire to understand and share such miraculous recovery inspired my career as an LMT. Now, with more than ten thousand hours clinical experience in the offices of Chiropractors, Naturopathic Physicians and Acupuncturists, I've developed the advanced orthopedic skill sets which allow me to provide that same relief for others.
I believe that freedom from headache pain is possible for most, and that many people have not been presented the option. I want you to experience for yourself just how effective this work can be. Book your appointment today!